This Clockwork book launch giveaway will only be available until September 6, 2022.
1. A 30-minute Q&A with Mike and your company/team.
2. QBR Workshop (hosted on October 4th).
The Collector's Edition galley copy of Clockwork
30-Minute Coaching Session with Mike
A Personalized You've Got This Video
Pre-Recorded Clockwork webinar
The Lost Content
The Serve Selling Training Course
The Confidence Course Training
The Big Three Keynotes
Social media shoutout
Recession response
Insider interview with Adrienne
Interview with Mike, Kelsey, & Emily
20-minute coaching session with Mike
A Personalized You've Got This Video
Pre-Recorded Clockwork webinar
The Lost Content
The Serve Selling Training Course
The Confidence Course Training
The Big Three Keynotes
Social media shoutout
Recession response
Insider interview with Adrienne
Interview with Mike, Kelsey, & Emily
The Serve Selling Training Course
The Confidence Course Training
The Big Three Keynotes
Social media shoutout
Recession response
Insider interview with Adrienne
Interview with Mike, Kelsey, & Emily
The Big Three Keynotes
Recession response
Interview with Mike, Kelsey, & Emily
Congratulations. You kinda just became Santa Claus.
If you bought more books than you personally need, here are great groups to share your extra books with:
But whatever you do …
never ever give it to your competition.
Go to Amazon, BookShop, or Barnes & Noble.
Process your order with the quantity of books you want based upon the bonus levels listed above. (You must buy at least 3 books in order to receive any bonuses.)
Submit your proof of purchase by filling out this form. We'll review your submission and get right back to you with all the details on your goodies!
This Clockwork book launch giveaway only applies to hardcover copies of Clockwork, Revised and Expanded. Kindle, Audible, and other formats don't apply.
Want Even More Books? Let's Make a Deal!
Do you want more books? In exchange, do you have an idea that would serve you even better than the ones I listed above? I want to hear them! My goal is to get Clockwork in circulation in a big way, and to also serve you in a big way. Just email Adayla your offer, and we’ll get back to you with a yea, nay or another way. Cool? Cool!
Want to get the books elsewhere? If you prefer to get your books at a site other than Amazon.com, BookShop, or Barnes & Noble the bonuses still apply. Here are other retailers: